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Myscript Calculator Review

카테고리 없음

by littphopfupor1979 2020. 1. 27. 07:46


Myscript Calculator Review

The new MyScript© Calculator 2 makes daily math fun and easy! Calculator 2 turns your device into an interactive piece of paper. Simply write a calculation and it gets you the result in real time. Develop it further with editing gestures or by adding new elements anywhere. Reuse previous results with drag and drop.

  1. Myscript Calculator Apk

The power of ink. World’s best handwriting recognition for text, math, graphics and music. The easiest way to calculate. Write calculations naturally, and get immediate result in any format.

Calculator 2 interprets everything you do on the fly. Calculator 2 is based on MyScript Interactive Ink®, the next step for digital ink. It is the successor of the award-winning first handwriting calculator. BENEFITS AND FEATURES Write calculations in an intuitive and natural way without a keyboard. Erase easily by using scratch-out gestures to remove symbols and numbers. Drag and drop numbers from and to the canvas, the memory bar or to an external app.

Copy your results to the clipboard or export them to other apps. Fractions: Display results using decimals, fractions or mixed numbers. Multi-line: Continue the same calculation on the next line or write several calculations on multiple lines. Memory: Save results into memory. Reuse them anytime in your calculations. History: Retrieve all your past calculations to reuse or export. SUPPORTED OPERATORS Basic operations: +, -, ×, ÷, /,: Powers, roots, exponentials: 7², √, ∛, e³ Miscellaneous operations:%, 5 , 3!

Brackets: ( ) Trigonometry: sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth Inverse trigonometry: asin, acos, atan, acot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, acosh, asinh, atanh, acoth, arcosh, arsinh, artanh, arcoth Logarithms: ln, log Constants: π, e, phi. D’Anconia Copper, Helpful to see everyday calculations on magical paper This is quite a useful app. It’s helpful to see your math on a page anytime you have the chance to write it down.

This time, however, the page finishes your calculations once you show your work. This is something from the future. Helps me with mundane household budgeting when comparing shopping options. Especially great with the Apple Pencil, where I use this app the most, though the iPhone app is there in a pinch when you’re out and about.

Myscript Calculator Apk

Very cool stuff. It would be cool to be able to change the weight of the ink; I think it’s too thick. Altering the auto-calculate time to be a little bit longer would be good too, perhaps as an adjustable setting. Developer Response, D’Anconia Copper, thank you so much for your rave review!

Thanks for your improvement suggestions for Calculator. We have forwarded them to our teams. In the meantime, the auto-calculation can be disabled in the Settings, so that you can decide when the result should appear. Hope this helps.

Mila from MyScript. D’Anconia Copper, Helpful to see everyday calculations on magical paper This is quite a useful app.


It’s helpful to see your math on a page anytime you have the chance to write it down. This time, however, the page finishes your calculations once you show your work.

This is something from the future. Helps me with mundane household budgeting when comparing shopping options.

Especially great with the Apple Pencil, where I use this app the most, though the iPhone app is there in a pinch when you’re out and about. Very cool stuff. It would be cool to be able to change the weight of the ink; I think it’s too thick. Altering the auto-calculate time to be a little bit longer would be good too, perhaps as an adjustable setting. Developer Response, D’Anconia Copper, thank you so much for your rave review! Thanks for your improvement suggestions for Calculator.

We have forwarded them to our teams. In the meantime, the auto-calculation can be disabled in the Settings, so that you can decide when the result should appear. Hope this helps. Mila from MyScript.

Myscript Calculator Review